• Our Office Location and Bonus Historic Building Lore

    Washington Bike Law recently (in November 2024) moved from our long-time location along the Second Avenue Bike Lane near Pioneer Square in the Hoge Building to the Central Building two blocks away. We went from a 1911 building to one built in 1907. Our old office had a nice view of Mount Rainier— at least…

  • Washington Supreme Court Rules that People on Bikes are Pedestrians for Insurance Purposes

    December 10, 2020 Today, after a very long fight, the Washington Supreme Court ruled that our client was improperly denied no-fault medical payments by his own car insurance company after he was doored by a driver and injured while riding his bicycle. Our client purchased car insurance in California, but was living in Washington and…

  • Dogs of WBL: Millie

    Millie’s humans are Jessica and her husband Niels. Favorite ride: I once got to ride over 100km on Niels’ back in the Outer Banks in North Carolina! I love the beach and being warm so this was my favorite ride! Favorite treat:  Despite living with two humans who eat a plant-based diet, my favorite treat…

  • Working to Make Vision Zero a Reality

    Washington Bike Law recently settled a case against the City of Kent involving a dangerous crosswalk, so we can now share with you some things we learned litigating it.

  • 2019 Awards for Making Streets Safer and Better for People

    Tonight, with these first-annual awards, we recognize Seattle people and organizations who work to prevent crashes and make Seattle’s streets better for people.

  • Dogs of WBL: Moses

    Moses is Bob’s dog. He and his wife adopted him from the Seattle Humane Society about 3 years ago which makes him about 5 years old. Moses regularly rides to work in a luxurious and relatively safe basket on the front of Bob’s bike. Favorite ride: Bikes are fine, but paddle boarding is my favorite…

  • “When I look back, my life seems full of blank spots.”

    A Presumed Liability law would help ensure that drivers who injure people walking, biking, or using wheelchairs are held accountable. Better still, it would help prevent these collisions. Morgan Scherer was injured when a driver failed to stop for her as she rode a bicycle through a marked crosswalk. Although state law is fairly clear…

  • Kent’s Zero Vision Plan Injures and Kills People

         Washington Bike Law believes in #VisionZero. Many people haven’t heard of Vision Zero, which is fine if they don’t have anything to do with transportation or law enforcement, but outrageous if they do.     The following is a search on Kent’s website for Vision Zero plan:    The website’s search asks, “did you mean…

  • Happy New Year! Let’s Make 2019 the year our streets become safe for everyone!

    If you want to be involved in legislative efforts to pass a presumption of liability law state-wide and/or just in Seattle, please contact kimberly@washingtonbikelaw.com. We will be resuming regular meetings with interested parties soon.

  • An Advocacy Organization or a Law Firm Representing Individuals? Yes.

    One of our takeaways from Bike Everywhere Day is that many people don’t quite know what Washington Bike Law (WBL) does… are we an advocacy organization or are we a law firm? In short, yes… What we do: WBL is a law office that represents individuals who have been injured in bike crashes AND we…